Reliable reporting, tailored for SMEs

From experience, we know that companies are often not in the best position to objectively assess their own sustainability efforts. Moreover, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often struggle with a chronic lack of time, money, and knowledge. This makes it challenging not only to take concrete steps towards sustainability but also to reliably report on these efforts.

At Sustainability Partner, we have been experts in sustainability for years, specifically focused on supporting SMEs. We understand the unique challenges that SMEs face like no one else. That is why we offer comprehensive support and relief. This way, your company can continue making a significant impact and enjoy all the benefits that voluntary sustainability reporting brings, without the additional burdens.

Let us be your guide on the path to a more sustainable future, with transparency and trust at the forefront!


Circle Check  Increase transparency and trust

Research shows that 88% of consumers are more loyal to companies that are committed to social and environmental issues.

By voluntarily reporting your sustainability performance, you demonstrate that you are serious about social responsibility and sustainability. This increases trust in your company and strengthens customer loyalty.

Why report voluntarily?


Circle Check  Improve operational efficiency

According to a McKinsey report (2020), companies can reduce operational costs by 60% through the implementation and monitoring of sustainability initiatives, such as more efficient resource use.

Sustainability reporting helps you gain insight into your own operations and their impact on people and the environment. This insight can lead to improved operational efficiency and significant cost savings by better identifying and managing waste and risks.

B Corp Arrow

Circle Check  Gain access to new markets

A study by Nielsen (2021) shows that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for products and services from companies committed to positive social impact.

More and more large companies and governments are demanding sustainability from their suppliers. By reporting, you make your company more attractive to new customers and markets. It can also help you qualify for grants and other funding opportunities.

SDG Action Manager

Your partner for impact and reporting

With a deep understanding of CSRD requirements and a passion for sustainability, we are here to guide your company on the path to compliance and impact. Our approach is twofold: not only do we ensure that you meet all legal requirements, but we also help you tell your unique sustainability story in a credible way.

Circle Check Thorough Analysis & Strategy: We start with an in-depth analysis of your current sustainability position and reporting processes. Based on this, we develop a customized strategy that not only ensures CSRD compliance but also supports your sustainability goals.

Circle Check Transparent Reporting: Our experts work closely with you to ensure that your reports are clear, accurate, and comprehensive. We help you present your sustainability performance in a way that is both inspiring and informative for all your stakeholders.

Circle Check Ongoing Support: The world of sustainability reporting is constantly evolving. That's why we offer continuous support to ensure that your reports remain compliant with the latest regulations and best practices.

Circle Check KPI Tracking: Sustainability is not about perfection; it's about reliability. Your stakeholders need to be able to trust you. We ensure that your stakeholders not only know where you stand today but also allow them to follow along live as your company paves the way toward an increasingly sustainable future!

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Turn impact reporting into your competitive advantage!

In this time of change, expectations are high and challenges are numerous. However, with the right partner by your side, sustainability can shift from being a challenge to an opportunity – an opportunity to show the world that your company cares not only about profit but also about the planet and its people. Let's work together not only to meet CSRD requirements but to exceed them. Let's transform your company into a model of sustainable success!

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