Start with insight & support

You want to do business in a more sustainable way, but… you have no idea how to get started? A Starter Scan is the perfect solution for your organization! The Starter Scan builds internal support, increases the knowledge level of your employees and provides all the insights your SME needs to achieve Better Business results at scale.

Compass  The challenge

De uitdaging

Truth is, many companies fail to achieve their sustainability goals. In most cases failure is directly linked to making a false start. A small team of motivated employees realizes the first successes. And that’s great!  Unfortunately these employees also have other tasks to attend. The promising new initiatives then turn into a “finished project” and business-as-usual returns. Then it become clear that there is a lack of 3 crucial foundations for achieving structural results: Measurable insights, External Support & Business Focus.

Lightbulb  The solution

The way to B

The trick is to make sustainability everyone's business from the start. How do you do that? By not launching initiatives too quickly. The 6P rule (Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance) is a standard management rule, which also applies to sustainable business practices. Start with the fundamentals. Take the time to measure the current state of your company. Discover where you are already making an impact today & where the opportunities lie. Our Starter Scan builds support and simultaneously delivers the measurable insights your company needs to realize Better Business results at scale.

Tailored to the needs of SMEs

At Sustainability Partner, we understand better than anyone that most SMEs lack the time, money & knowledge to consistently work towards a more sustainable future. All our services are aimed at unburdening you as much as possible. While our experts measure the sustainability of your organization, we simultaneously work on the knowledge level of your employees. We take them on an inspiring journey full of new insights and practical examples. This ensures that when we finish measuring your current state, everyone knows how to interpret the results correctly and  is fully inspired to start making structural impact within their role and expertise.

Impact Area's

Chart Column  To measure is to know

You can't manage what you don't measure. That is why we start by measuring the complete social and ecological state of your company, more specifically in terms of :

Building Columns


What your company does to improve its mission, ethics, accountability and transparency.

Benchmark Score: 


What your company does to contribute to improving the financial, physical, professional & social well-being of its employees.

Benchmark Score: 




House Flag


What your company does to contribute to the economic & social well-being of the communities in which it operates.

Benchmark Score: 


Envira Gallery


What your company does to improve its overall environmental management.

Benchmark Score: 



What your company does to improve the value it creates for its direct customers & the consumers of its products or services.

Handshake Simple

Benchmark Score: 


What benefits does a Sustainability Starter Scan yield for your company?

Circle Check Know the sustainability position of your company in terms of good governance, employees, society, the environment and customers.

Circle Check Compare your impact scores with over 100,000 other companies worldwide.

Circle Check Gain insight into the inefficiencies of your organization & discover where the opportunities lie to do (even) Better Business.

Circle Check Advisory report based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN)

Circle Check Determine ambition level based on the scan & continue to work on sustainability with us / or independently. The choice is yours!

Met KMO-Portefeuille

Customer Feedback Report 2023

Duurzame Business is Betere Business
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© 2023 Sustainability Partner
